Pediatric bilingual speech therapy in Houston

Now accepting Community Health Choice!


Traditional Medicaid

About Us

Welcome to Joy of Words Clinic. We are a team of bilingual speech therapists who specialize in pediatric population in the Houston area. We follow a child-center approach and include caregivers/parents as an active team member throughout the process. We thrive to provide quality and individualized services by taking on smaller caseloads. As native Spanish speakers, we understand and embrace the cultural and linguistic diversity.


Bienvenidos a Joy of Words Clinic. Nosotros somos un equipo multidisciplinario de terapeutas bilingües de lenguaje que estamos especializadas en pacientes pediátricos en el área de Houston, Tx. Seguimos un enfoque centrado en la participación conjunta de los padres y cuidadores como miembros activos del equipo durante todo el proceso. Nos enfocamos en brindar servicios individualizados de calidad aceptando bajo volumen de pacientes. Como hablantes nativos del español, entendemos y valoramos la diversidad cultural y lingüística.  

Laura Rodriguez Galano MS, CCC-SLP

Bilingual Speech & Language Pathologist


Laura currently holds a professional license by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation for Speech Language Pathologists. She has treated and evaluated children with autism, oral motor disorders, articulation, and phonological disorders, AAC, expressive/receptive language disorders and developmental delays. Laura has been trained in a Sensory motor approach to apraxia of speech and related motor speech disorders, Beckman oral motor assessment and intervention, Language acquisition through motor planning (LAMP), Kaufman K-SLP Methods and Behavioral Strategies to build successful vocal communication, 3-Part Treatment Plan for OPT (oral placement therapy), PALSS (Pittsburgh AAC & Language Seminar Series).

Carla Romero Saracho BS, SLP-A

Bilingual Speech & Language Pathologist Assitant


B.S. Bilingual SLP-Assistant with more than 10 years of experience with the pediatric population. Carla currently holds a professional license by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation for Speech Language Pathologists and Assistants. To this time she is pursuing her master’s degree in communication disorders at Emerson College in Boston, MA.  She has treated children with autism, dyslexia, literacy-language delay, childhood apraxia of speech, AAC, articulation and phonological disorders, language disorders, and developmental delays.  She has training on the Kaufman Speech to Language Protocol and the 3-Part Treatment Plan for OPT (oral placement therapy); alternative and augmentative communication systems such as Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS),  Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP), and different high technology communication devices. She has also pursued training on early speech-language development and building verbal imitation skills in toddlers from the Teach Me to Talk program.

Our Services

Joy of Words treats multiple diagnosis including: Receptive & expressive language disorders, phonological & articulation disorders, Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC), apraxia, autism, and more.


Joy of Words Clinic atiende múltiples diagnósticos incluyendo: trastornos del lenguaje receptivo y expresivo, trastornos fonológicos y de articulación, sistemas de comunicación aumentativa y alternativa (SAAC), apraxia, autismo y más. 

Oral motor difficulties

Dificultades motoras del habla

Neurodevelopmental disorders

Desordenes del neurodesarrollo

Screenings & evaluations

Identificación & Evaluaciones

Early intervention

Intervención temprana

Social skills

Habilidades sociales



Why Us


  • We are a pediatric bilingual (Spanish/ English) speech therapy clinic in Houston. 

  • Somos una clínica de terapia de lenguaje bilingüe (español e inglés), localizadas en Houston, Tx.

  • Currently accepting new patients.
  • Actualmente aceptamos nuevos pacientes (No hay lista de espera).
  • Flexible schedule hours, we are open on Fridays and Saturdays.
  • Tenemos horarios flexibles, también estamos abiertos los días viernes y sábados.
  • Currently accepting: Traditional Medicaid, Communicty Health Choice, BCBS,  and private pay patients.
  • Aceptamos seguros médicos de: Medicaid tradicional, Community Health Choice, BlueCross BlueShield y pacientes privados.
  • We provide speech and language bilingual screenings, assessments  for language disorders, articulation, phonological, apraxia, and pragmatic difficulties. 
  • Proveemos evaluaciones bilingües de habla y lenguaje, evaluaciones de trastornos del lenguaje, articulación, procesos fonológicos, apraxia y dificultades pragmáticas.

  • Tailor made therapy sessions to address your child’s needs and home programs designed to generalize skills.
  • Brindamos terapias personalizadas para abordar las necesidades de su hijo y programas en el hogar diseñados para generalizar las habilidades.
  • Prioritize parent education.
  • Priorizamos la educación para los padres y cuidadores.
  • We evaluate AAC needs for low tech (PECS, communication books, signs) and high tech options (Tobii Dynavox, PRC, Saltillo).
  • Evaluamos las necesidades de comunicación aumentativa y alternativa; opciones de baja tecnología (PECS, libros de comunicación y senas) y de alta tecnología (Tobii Dynavox, PRC, Saltillo). 


Contact Us

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